Unit 6 Task 2 Pitch and Proposal

Documentary Outline

  • My idea is to look at how superheroes like Captain America came from being propaganda for a certain cause, to being big box office superstars and comic book favorites. I will also interview writers and publishers of these comics to see how they get their ideas for these heroes.



  • I will interview at least 4-5 writers and publishers of comics as well as owners and workers in comic book shops such as James Roberts and others. I will use group websites such as Meetup to interview these comic book readers and enthusiasts.



  • The Convent Garden and Soho areas because of the numerous amount of comic stores and art shops there. The meetup that I want do these interviews will be in the Waterloo area.


The resources needed for this project:

  • DSLR camera
  • Tripod
  • Headphones
  • Audio recorder


Production schedule

  • 24th january- start research and planning on topic as contacting comic book writers.
  • 31st january- begin filming
  • 6th february- continue filming and begin editing
  • 10th february- head to comic book meet up and finish filming
  • 13th february-finish Editing

Materials used within the documentary(Codes and Conventions

  • Archived material: movie shots and youtube
  • Sound
  • Music
  • Graphics


Examples of previous documentaries

  • Jon Schnepp’s The death of superman lives” what happened?- this is about a failed movie by Tim Burton called Superman Lives. We see the Director interviewing the main people behind the movie and wanting to know why it wasn’t able to make it to the box office.

examples of media products that have influenced me

Marvel and DC movies

Assorted comic books

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